Time for a Fibre Fling

Welcome to the 4th Friday of March: that means a new fibre blend explore, new colourways and also something extremely, luxuriously Fluffy in batts and yarns!

I’ve been super busy again to get loads of dyeing and carding done. Never a dull moment here! Plus all the March clubs have been shipped to all the club members this morning ! Yay!

The blend on offer is IxCHeL Cashmere Fling: a wonderful blend of Tencel, bamboo, rose fibres and a dash of cashmere. This blend is wonderful to spin: it spins like butter but is better for the hips. The Tencel and bamboo makes it also feel very silky and cool to the touch, which makes it fabulous to wear in summer or spring.

Apart from getting all the March clubs ready, I have also made some “rollerblading in Venice Beach” angora bunny and merino batts and yarns. I have added them to the “what’s new” section of the shop. They are super fun to spin and knit with! I have also made a fu. Video reel of them and that’s on my Instagram where you can find me as “Ixchelbunny”. I don’t know about you, but Fluo neon colours just make me happy. 


Paul has also been very busy with turning new phang spindles and bowls! There are some exceptional maple phangs available that just shimmer and shine plus there are fabulous bowls with peridot inlay and lapis lazuli as well! So, so special!

This morning all the March clubs have been shipped out to all the members. If you have not signed up yet for the second quarter clubs this is the time. Only a week to go before the sign up period closes!

I will be very busy dyeing this weekend again to get lots of exciting fluff ready for next week ! I wish everybody a fun and fluffy week. 







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